Prayer and pursuing holiness
When people ask, “What’s your background?” My reply is, “Pagan!” I grew up as a non-Christian in Southern California with a sin-infested lifestyle devoid of God. But one Friday night, while I was stoned on LSD, Jesus Christ encountered me through a high school buddy who shared the gospel with me. The Spirit pierced my…
Carson Pue: Characteristics of a good leader
Dr. Carson Pue has been investing in Greater Vancouver leaders and many others for 33 years now. He was inspired by Billy Graham’s brother-in-law, Leighton Ford, to commit his life to making a difference in the lives of leaders. The result has been seen through Arrow Leadership, and how it has refined the mission and…
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Living Stones: Being built into a spiritual house
Jasper, sapphire, emerald, chrysolite, topaz, amethyst. These are just a few of the precious stones that make up the foundation of the holy city in the Revelation. Can you imagine? Gorgeous, full of colour, sparkling, solid and reflecting the beauty of our Creator God who made it all. What a sight that will be! …
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The country of the smile
By Eliud Herrera, Intercede International News Service (INS) During the 1970s a tourist slogan was created in El Salvador. They named it “The Country of the Smile.” The slogan tried to show in words the nature of its people who were jovial, kind, and happy – and certainly the country lived it up to its…
John Calvin, father of Calvinism
Nowadays, many people know more about the cartoon characters Calvin and Hobbes than John Calvin of Geneva fame. Ironically, the cartoon Calvin was intentionally based on the original John Calvin. In 1529, John Calvin expressed contempt for the ‘gospellers’, the French Huguenots, seeing them as a heretical movement which would damage the French Church. He…
Food for Thought – Transformed into His image
Transformation comes at the foot of the cross. We kneel in child like humility, in humble adoration of God who sacrificed everything for us. Its not always a process that happens overnight, it can take time, but the process includes a commitment on our part to surrender daily what we believe our lives should look…
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Prayer and pursuing God’s presence
I have a vivid memory where my mother had me recite my first childhood prayer for bedtime comfort: “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” That prayer gripped my heart with fear,…