For Rachel Hwang, the transformation with the Ahousaht Nation started in her own heart during a short-term mission trip in 2014. The time was too short to learn much about the daily life, culture, and history of the people around her. Ahousaht is a Nuu-chah-nulth First Nation of just over 2,200 people on the west coast of Vancouver Island and the word Ahousaht means “facing opposite the ocean” or “people living with their backs to the land and mountains.” The nation absorbed other neighbours and continue their practices of fishing and hunting. The group governs itself with a hybrid system of elected and hereditary chiefs, including three principle hereditary chiefs, one elected chief, and an elected council.
Upon her return home, Rachel determined to pray regularly for the Ahousaht people. Her short-term visit wasn’t enough to satisfy her longing for connection. They seemed so far away. One of the friends she met had texted her that a son was in hospital and the distance seemed greater than ever. She, and her husband Jacob, joined in prayer together and in reading the story of the Good Samaritan in 2016, their hearts were pierced to demonstrate a more tangible compassion. An Ahousaht ‘friend,’ who served as a village elder and fisherman, paved the way for their return with an invitation to live in the community. “He was a residential school survivor and witnessed the tragic deaths of many of the youth growing up in the Ahousaht village,” Jacob says. “As a man of peace, he opened the door and paved the way for my family to reach out into the neighborhood.” This gesture of hospitality and sign of respect opened the path to a missionary journey that has lasted seven years so far.
Jacob had encountered Jesus for the first time when he was 19, while Rachel grew up in a pastoral family. They were married in 2007 and devoted to serving the Lord together. In 2014, God revealed to them his heart for lost souls and they obediently embraced their role as disciple makers who make disciple makers. Rachel and Jacob brought two children with them into their new home and gave life to four more children while living in the Ahousaht village. This act of humanity opened up ministry to all ages. The children all attend the Ahousaht Indigenous School and have grown up learning the culture and preserved history of these proud people. The children are fluent in English, Korean, and in Nuu-chah-nulth. Each June, they participate in the School Feast, where they perform traditional dances with their classmates. “The sheer joy they experience in these moments is palpable, truly connecting them to the Ahousaht family and fostering a sense of grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and aunt. This manner of addressing reflects a personal relationship with the elders that establishes respect and context in the kin-centered Indigenous community.”

By involving all of their six children in community life, the family’s genuine commitment to community integration was demonstrated in a tangible way. The village elder who invited Jacob and Rachel invited them to oversee the Sunday School program for children, which they have done. The children were introduced to God through prayer, praise, Bible stories and crafts. This was a precursor to their development of youth and adult daily vacation bible school offerings. The gospel of Jesus is regularly shared with all. “As this younger generation matures in their spiritual journeys, Jacob and Rachel hope these kids and youth will grow into devoted church members and obedient disciples, witnessing to those in their communities and beyond.”
On March 5 2024, many chiefs, council members, directors of departments, and believers gathered to welcome the gospel back to the community. A church was inaugurated formally on the reserve. The church board named it Maaqtusiis Community Church. Jacob and Rachel were welcomed as official mediators of the gospel to the community and could “more faithfully be dedicated to making disciples who make disciples.” The Ahousaht are a strong ceremonial culture, characterized by feasting, entertainment, song, dance, contests, and theatricals. One popular dance is the paddle dance. They are known for their woodcarving, focusing on canoes, totem poles, houses, and other products made from cedar. Spiritually, the community focuses on a Creator, along with spirits whose powers can be used to bring peace and fortune. “All life forms have a spirit, and should therefore be respected and appreciated.” Shamans practice traditional medicine with healing rituals to cure illness and restore balance to the soul.
Jacob holds services and funerals for each generation while Rachel focuses on the outreach to the children, youth, and needy elders. The couple has led vision trips to other countries, attended and supported the Aboriginal Youth Conference where this past August they took fifty-four youth where these youth could “encounter Jesus as the healer of their pains and sickness.” Seven youth were baptized at the camp. Members of the group have shared the gospel in neighbouring tribes and towns and eight youth are pursuing Bible College to become pastors and ministers. They will need spiritual and physical support to grow as Indigenous leaders in a new faith community.
The Hwangs have put their trust and hope in God and their ongoing confidence in the community that continues to support them. Not all has been easy. Some villagers felt the presence of the foreigners brought back painful memories. The chief of the band office commented that their home, nicknamed ‘The Lighthouse’, was too old and it seemed inevitable that Jacob and Rachel and their six children would have to leave the community without acceptable accommodation. The community of believers went to prayer and preached actively.
With each of Rachel’s pregnancies, a culture of sympathy arose among the Ahousaht people and the Band counsellors, who were tasked with protecting and supporting families. “The council determined we could remain as long as they kept the ministry going.” The Hwangs now envision “a future where God revitalizes and strengthens the community of Ahousaht, transforming them into His true disciples.” They pray for God’s blessing, hoping that believers in Ahousaht will eventually connect with over 630 Indigenous communities across Canada, representing more than 50 nations and languages.”
To achieve this vision, every family mission team recruited must commit to living in each Indigenous village to serve as spiritual mothers and fathers. Canadian churches are encouraged to collaborate and support long-term family missionaries residing in these villages. When full-time missionaries flourish and achieve abundant fruitfulness by partnering with other churches to further God’s kingdom throughout all Indigenous villages, the name of Jesus will be honoured across our nation from coast to coast.
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