Camp Squeah | Camp Qwanoes | Timberline Ranch
Camp Squeah
The Character of the Trinity: I recently did a study on the sovereignty of God (not a light topic, I can assure you). But part of that study and class involved considering the characteristics of God. To fully appreciate the notion of God’s Sovereignty, I thought it imperative that we keep in mind a full picture of the character of this God we love and serve while we tackle the overwhelming reality of God’s sovereignty.
One of the great failings in considering why God is sovereign, is considering also how He exercises it. Yahweh’s omnipotence, omniscience & omnipresence often take president when considering His sovereignty. I think because we consider sovereignty tied inextricably with power and ability. But we rarely consider His omnamares (all-loving character), omnisapience (fully and always wise in mind and actions) or His incomparable holiness and righteousness (I call this Juste Sanctitas, in keeping with mashed together latin words).
It’s not always a comforting thought thinking of God in His sovereignty if He’s just all powerful, all knowing and everywhere. Those characteristics in a human being would be disastrous. And all our powerful people examples are quite a let down. But remembering that our glorious Trinity is also always fully loving, wise and holy whilst powerful, knowing and present gives us great assurance.
As our greatest and most mysterious example of God’s sovereignty is that of the life of Jesus, let’s remember that power and knowledge are never separated from the Father’s love and grace, holiness and wisdom.
Camp Qwanoes
It’s Go Time – you were MADE for this!: Go time? The sad realty for many children and youth today is they are lost – for so many reasons. Lonely. And very confused. They need help! And this is where camp comes in. Day after day, week after week, God’s love FINDS people at camp. No more lostness!
At camp God’s love breaks through in such powerful ways. Kids discover the KEY to LIFE – Jesus – and learn that he came for them to have life to the full. God DESIGNED us all for that life! We call that LIFE LIKE NO OTHER at Camp Qwanoes.
At camp they discover how valued they are, how loved they are, what they were MADE for…all in the midst of amazing adventures and fun.
But it’s one thing to HEAR and KNOW about this life, it’s a completely different thing to step right into it! Just like you can KNOW all about our 1,000 foot-long Jet Stream ziplines…but it’s a whole different thing to step off the edge.
We can’t wait to help children and youth START and STEP INTO this life at camp this summer. It’s Go Time!
Camp is an ideal place for faith to come alive, to put faith into action, to make a difference, to grow as a leader, to gain positive life-skills and friendships…and to discover and experience life the way God intends it to be.
Last summer a counselor shared, “Last night after Q-Town one of my campers said, ‘Before I came here I never believed in God – now I do.’ I shared my testimony to the cabin…and one decided to give her life to Jesus. Three of my campers rededicated their lives to Jesus. I felt the Holy Spirit so strong. I had a vision of campers’ eyes opening.”
So many eyes are opened each summer at camp!
Camp is an unsurpassed opportunity in our current times to reach children and youth with the Gospel. And it takes many to make it possible!
There are so many ways you can be involved and make a difference!
•Join the summer staff team for a week or two or the entire summer! Whether it’s on a kitchen or dish team, maintenance, activities, cabin counselor, nurse, doctor, driver, builder, admin, music…there is a role for all ages!
• Invite a child or youth to come as a camper.
• Give to help families who need help to send their child to camp.
• For high school students, join a summer leadership program and watch your faith go deeper and come alive!
• Bring your family to a Family Retreat or the Family Work Weekend, or come to the Open House on June 7!
Qwanoes summer 2025. Standing at the edge. This is your moment – right here, right now! You were MADE for this. Come on – life like no other awaits!
Submitted by Scott Bayley
Camp Qwanoes Executive Director
Timberline Ranch
We are still accepting applications for our paid summer positions! Here are the top ten reasons you might consider serving at Timberline this summer (or spring!):
- Unbelievable Fun – because, well, it’s camp!
- Lifelong Friends – be part of a supportive community
- Purpose & Belonging – like nowhere else!
- Difference-Making – be involved in transforming lives
- Spiritual Growth – supercharge your relationship with God
- Struggles – the tough days will make you stronger
- Job Skills – like childcare, cooking, horse-care, etc.
- Life Skills – like leadership, problem-solving, resilience, etc.
- Resume-Building – employers love camp workers!
- Make Bank – earn over $7000 in just ten weeks
If you want to have the best summer of your life and make an eternal difference, Timberline Ranch may be the place for you. Volunteer positions are also available. Apply at TimberlineRanch.com or email dobby@timberlineranch.com for more info.
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