What if God was serious when he said, “You shall teach [these words that I command you] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6:7)
At BC Christian Academy and our affiliated daycare, BCCA Kids’ Club, we take God at His WORD, diligently infusing every minute of every day with scriptural truth, continually setting before our students mature Bible-trained examples in our faculty and urgently seeking to inspire our students to be imitators of Christ by studying, memorizing and practicing the Word of God.
With our three Core Values of CHRIST, COMMUNITY and COMPASSION, students are challenged daily to demonstrate their growing love for Christ through earnestly seeking opportunities to contribute to the widercommunity by expressing the love of Christ with the same compassion that the Lord demonstrated in all His encounters.
Academic, Athletic, Artistic and Musical pursuits are all areas we can and do use to bring glory to God, starting from the youngest of our disciples in our Infant and Toddler Program to our Grade 12 Graduation Program.
We eagerly invite families who share our passion for training their children in the ways of the Lord, to join us for our Kids Club & Elementary Open House on Saturday, January 25th: Come hungry as our Pancake Breakfast Tours offer a comprehensive experience of life at BCCA, where you will hear the details around how we uphold God’s Word as the standard for our serious pursuit of biblical discipleship training. Choose from two sessions, at 9:30 AM or 11 AM, at our Port Coquitlam campus. Reserve your spot today at bcchristianacademy.ca. We look forward to seeing you there!
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