BC Christian Academy | Maple Ridge Christian School | Pacific Academy
BC Christian Academy: Christ, Community, Compassion

By Beth Peters – Elementary School Principal
What if God was serious when he said, “You shall teach [these words that I command you] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6:7)
At BC Christian Academy and our affiliated daycare, BCCA Kids’ Club, we take God at His WORD, diligently infusing every minute of every day with scriptural truth, continually setting before our students mature Bible-trained examples in our faculty and urgently seeking to inspire our students to be imitators of Christ by studying, memorizing and practicing the Word of God.
With our three Core Values of CHRIST, COMMUNITY and COMPASSION, students are challenged daily to demonstrate their growing love for Christ through earnestly seeking opportunities to contribute to the widercommunity by expressing the love of Christ with the same compassion that the Lord demonstrated in all His encounters.
Academic, Athletic, Artistic and Musical pursuits are all areas we can and do use to bring glory to God, starting from the youngest of our disciples in our Infant and Toddler Program to our Grade 12 Graduation Program.
We eagerly invite families who share our passion for training their children in the ways of the Lord, to join us for our Kids Club & Elementary Open House on Saturday, January 25th: Come hungry as our Pancake Breakfast Tours offer a comprehensive experience of life at BCCA, where you will hear the details around how we uphold God’s Word as the standard for our serious pursuit of biblical discipleship training. Choose from two sessions, at 9:30 AM or 11 AM, at our Port Coquitlam campus. Reserve your spot today at bcchristianacademy.ca. We look forward to seeing you there!
Maple Ridge Christian School – Open House and New Registrations
At Maple Ridge Christian School (MRCS), we believe learning is about more than just gaining knowledge – it’s about shaping hearts and minds to live out God’s story in the world. MRCS has made it our mission to create a learning environment that is centred around holistic education and strong community. Over the past year, our entire staff has been engaging in a professional development program called Teaching for Transformation (TfT), which has been an exciting journey, providing new thoughts on how we teach and connect with our students to take this mandate from simple words to action.
Through TfT, our teachers have been diving deep into what they hope for each student – not
just academically, but spiritually as well. The program encourages and equips our staff to help students understand that everything they do and learn – whether it’s solving a math problem, writing a paper, or creating art – can be connected to God and His story in a deeper way. We want students to see that learning is about more than just completing assignments or memorizing information; it’s about participating in God’s bigger story and engaging in real work to meet the needs of real people. Our mission is to equip students with the necessary skills and values to lead a life for God.
MRCS has a rich history, with deep community roots. New families can rest assured that every student is treated equally, with supportive teachers mentoring them every step of the way. Our various programs such as our extracurricular Athletics program and International student program display the talents and diverse backgrounds of our vibrant and inclusive community. By integrating faith and learning, MRCS curriculum is designed to engage students in creative, problem solving, and critical thinking all while strengthening their understanding of their Christian values.
With MRCS expanding its facilities with new classroom and social spaces and a full-size gym, it also opens its doors to new and exciting opportunities for our current and incoming students. This expansion project reinforces the school’s commitment to investing in our students,creating new spaces for students to thrive academically and spiritually. For the upcoming 2025-2026 school year, spots will be available across all grade levels, from K-12. This presents a unique opportunity for families seeking to have this TfT experience for their children. By enrolling in MRCS, families can be confident that their children will receive a high-quality education within a nurturing and supportive environment.
MRCS invites you to see what the school is all about for yourself. Their Open House is on January 13, 2025, and you will have the opportunity to tour the school with a staff member. Registrations for new families will be open from January 15-31, 2025.
Quentin Flokstra – Lead Principal
Stacy Sowerby – Vice Principal of Learning & Programs
Maple Ridge Christian School – http://mrcs.ca/admissions
Pacific Academy
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Pacific Academy seeks to cultivate a community of Christ-centred learners, equipped to lead and inspired to serve. Providing exceptional education is at the core of our mission. However, to truly deliver the finest academic experience, we believe it is vital to interweave a spiritual component into students’ daily lives.
Pacific Academy is unabashedly Christian and we emphasize the life-changing importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ in everything we do. One of the ways we live this out is through our exciting outreach program. All students – from junior kindergarten through grade 12 – take part in sharing God’s love, both here in the Surrey community and around the world. To discover more, visit pacificacademy.net. We look forward to connecting with you!
pacificacademy.net | 604.581.5353 | contact@mypacificacademy.net
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