In this world of stigma and discrimination against people with mental health challenges, have you ever thought what it might be like to be a Christian with such challenges? As believers we want to follow Jesus like every good Christian does. We want to contribute to building God’s kingdom. We want to make the world a better place. But in many ways the world is not kind to us. I am 77 years old and have lived with bipolar disorder since the age of 19. I want to give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be us and what it could be… Discrimination commonly means that we are made to feel different, unworthy, looked down on, not listened to, excluded from social circles, rejected. Too often, it’s assumed we are needy – not the kind of individuals who might have gifts to offer to the work of the kingdom. Many of us succumb to this view of ourselves and end up with low self-esteem. But with the right kind of support we could gain the confidence we need to be well and to have a meaningful life. How can a person with mental illness survive the world’s put-downs, yet feel good about themselves? How can they serve in the way they feel called to serve when they’re held back by people who doubt their usefulness? We need our Christian brothers and sisters to build us up – to help us realize that in God’s world we have worth, just like everyone else has worth. We want to be included in church life in whatever ways possible, in accordance with our gifts. And we all have gifts. Christians with mental health challenges are considered to be different, but in many ways we’re not unlike our well brothers and sisters. We all have the same needs – the need to love and be loved, the need to become the best we can be, the need to be valued, the need to have a place in our community. And everyone – both well and not-so-well – have been hurt in some way and need healing. Can we recognize these similarities and meet each other in a spirit of brotherhood? There for each other? Understanding what it is to be us? Supporting each other in our Christian walk? Individuals with mental health issues can find encouragement in the life of Jesus. When Jesus walked the earth, he suffered from many of the same negative attitudes we do today. He suffered much at the hands of hypocritical religious leaders. He was ridiculed. He was made to suffer – not because he was evil, but because he was good. His radical ways were considered a threat to the powerful. He gave his all for us, even his life. When we read our Bibles and study Jesus’ life, we will be encouraged to see how he was there for the sick, the disabled, the outcasts. We will see how his encouragement to individuals in his day will be how his Spirit can encourage us today. Jesus sees us as people of worth, people who deserve to be involved in their communities. We who live with mental health challenges need Jesus in a big way if we’re going to survive and thrive. Our brothers and sisters in Christ can try to support us, but there’s no one like Jesus who can hold us up in times of need. Through his Spirit, Jesus will meet us when we’re having emotional troubles, when we’re confused about life and about our world. Jesus can work through his followers. When we stumble, he supports us until we’re able to stand. He provides us with strength. He lifts us up until we’re ready to embrace life. He prepares us to join our community – a vital member once more. How can we love a world that does not love us? How can we, with our disabilities, serve in the way we’d like to serve? Through Jesus we can. Through the great love he puts inside us, we can gather the strength and the courage to serve. When we’re aware of this great love God has for us and for others, we will find ourselves filled with the desire to pass that love on to those who hunger for it. Just sharing such love, will bring healing to the giver and the receiver. We will be Christ’s followers in the true sense of the word. Since 2006, when she founded Living Room, Marja Bergen has been giving spiritual support to individuals living with mental health challenges. Since 2013, she has been sending out devotionals twice a week to her list of followers. Her new book, In the Name of Jesus: Spiritual Support for Mental Health Challenges has been recently published – soon available from Amazon. It gives readers examples of how they can give spiritual support to friends living with mental health struggles. Marja lives in Burnaby BC with her husband, Wes. https://marjabergen.com/ |
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