Transformation comes at the foot of the cross. We kneel in child like humility, in humble adoration of God who sacrificed everything for us.
Its not always a process that happens overnight, it can take time, but the process includes a commitment on our part to surrender daily what we believe our lives should look like, allowing the Lord His place in us. So much so we start becoming less, allowing Him to control our outcomes, and trusting Him in the process of changing our hearts. Healing those old wounds and the old stories. We are choosing to believe His truth against everything that doesn’t serve us. Understanding, that the truth of His word is far greater than the words of others or our circumstances we have lived, or are living, through. We get to choose life, abundant life, not only eternally but here on earth.
The process of letting go and receiving the overwhelming love of our heavenly Father, who made the ultimate sacrifice, without conditions, who loves unconditionally. Whose love is so deep and so wide and so vast, we can allow Him to take our shattered lives and shattered hearts and put the pieces together again. It may not resemble the life that we thought we wanted or the dreams we desired, but His are bigger and better than we ever, ever dreamed of.

All that mess, pain and suffering will birth a deeper understanding of our own weakness, that leads to an understanding that we need a saviour. He will never not use our brokenness to birth His work in us to help others, from a place of deeper compassion, a greater understanding of who we are and what we are called to do. To come to understand now valuable, we are to Him, to know that He created us in the very image of His son. His purposes are not just for eternity but to live here serving Him and others, of something we may think is insignificant but will be greater through what He will develop in us. He wants the best for us, to rebuild, redeem and set us free. Free of all the things that kept us bound up, free to do greater things then we ever have dreamed of. It is in quiet, gentle humility that we serve with our healed hearts, and even our brokenness, to bring a message, a testimony, to those who are hurting. We all need a saviour, what a glorious thing it is to serve a God of the possible, to expand our spirits and drink in His greatness and become more like Him.
Father, We come in humble adoration, laying everything at the foot of the cross, desiring that you redeem our brokenness, to turn our ashes into beauty.
Thank you, Lord, you take our sin and transform us into the image of your son. We know that walking this journey is never easy Lord, to surrender the way we think things should be or the way things should look. To receive all that you have for us, knowing in our hearts that it is done with such great, great love for us. We could never repay all you have done, but we can surrender to a life that is far more valuable and greater than anything we could have chosen ourselves. May we honour you, with a heart of adoration, in awe of a perfect God. A God that only desires your best for us and in us.
We surrender now at the foot of the cross, with a grateful heart. In Jesus name, amen!
Jan Stefanic has a passion to see people succeed, not only in their business endeavors, but also in their personal growth. Her background is in senior management positions, and non-profit organizations i.e. Board Member of Stella’s Voice Canada, World Vision, Edmonton Dream Center, and the Mustard Seed, as well as extensive sales background in retail and regional management. She is a life and grief coach, working alongside young widows, helping them process their grief by giving them a safe and healthy community of support. She is also a former team Member for Marketplace Chaplain’s Care Team Canada; working with companies caring for their employees and families in stress and crisis related issues. Jan treasures her time with family and friends, especially her two beautiful grandchildren.
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