CFI – Christian Friends of Israel | Christian Service Brigade | CSB Iron Sharpens Iron | Lighthouse Harbour Ministries | Metzger Collection |
CFI – Christian Friends of Israel: “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knows me, even so know I the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold..” John 10:14-16 Jesus was born into a Jewish family. Jesus is the good shepherd. He has laid down his life for Jew and Gentile. He has laid down his life for each and everyone in this world. We need to come to Him, repent of our sins, and invite Him into our hearts to be our Lord and Saviour. Then we will indeed be filled with peace and hope in this dark world, and have the confidence of eternal life.
Christian Service Brigade: Your Boys – Your Men – Your Church. In CSB Canada, we make it our priority. CSB comes alongside the men of your church to build the boys of your community for Christ. It isn’t so much what CSB is doing through the Tree Climber, Stockade and Battalion boys’ ministries, it’s how your men are inspired by God to reach out and rescue the boys in your greater community. Your Church – Your Men – Your Boys. The local church is the starting point for reaching the community with the Good News of Jesus. CSB provides proven programs that build on Godly Action Wrapped in Biblical Truth. Men are trained to build wholesome relationships with their sons, church family, and friendsFamilies in Your Community are looking for Christ-centred fellowship that builds their children mentally, physically, spiritually and socially – Luke 2:52. Christians want to fulfil the Great Commission. CSB can help:
CSB – Iron Sharpens Iron Conference: Men are competitors, so when we hear that we are “broken”, it’s our natural inclination to feel that we can fix it… we CAN be better. But we are always reaching yet never attaining the perfection that we’re promised. The Iron Sharpens Iron International Men’s Conference is designed for all men – the man of the church (or of the world); the husband, father, single guy; the layman, employee, ministry worker, the businessman, the pastor, church staff and volunteer; the man who just wants to be worthy before God. The ISI conference provides opportunities for men to be “equipped” as Men of God. We are just getting this conference off the ground. Pray for us. Pray for the men. Pray for the churches.
Lighthouse Harbour Ministries: Where did over 40 international seafarers who are far away from home go on Christmas Day 2024? They came to Lighthouse seafarers centre in North Vancouver. At the centre, from 5 pm to 10 pm, crew members from the Philippines, China and Myanmar were welcomed by Lighthouse volunteers and staff. The evening was a joyful time of celebrating the birth of Jesus, the One who has redeemed mankind. Seafarers were able to participate in singing carols, playing games, enjoying food, receiving gifts and also, most importantly, hearing a message about eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. There was joy and peace for those who were away from their loved ones at this special time of year. For more information about Lighthouse, including volunteer opportunities, please connect with us at or 604-988-5084.
Metzger Collection Presents 1525: Reform & Revolution: An exhibit to mark the 500-year anniversary of the Anabaptist movement in its historical context. Open until Feb 21, 2025. This current feature exhibit puts a single year, 1525, in focus. 500 years ago, this momentous year marked the birth of the Anabaptist movement as a key part of a larger escalation in the revolutionary fervour of the 16th-century Reformation. Witness the intricate web of connections between people and movements as the theology of the Reformation pushed into the realm of socio-political issues. Could force contain the revolution? The Metzger Collection is a museum featuring replicas of artifacts and artwork, especially highlighting the biblical story within the broader context of human history. Open Wednesdays & Fridays, 11am-4pm, also open by appointment. Admission FREE during regular hours., 604-853-3567 ext. 5392940 Clearbrook Rd. Abbotsford, BC (Columbia Bible College),
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