One of the most famous healing pioneers of all time was the illiterate Bradford, UK, plumber Smith Wigglesworth (1859 to 1947). Instead of going to school, he worked full-time at age six on a farm. From age seven, he worked 12 to 14 hours each day in a mill. His wife Polly taught him how to read the Bible and write, though he never learned to spell normally. Smith, for … [Read more...] about Smith and Polly Wigglesworth: Only believe
Alexander & Mary Boddy, British Healing Pioneers
From the noisy industrial town of Sunderland in Northern England came unlikely healing pioneers, Rev. AA (Alexander) and Mary Boddy. Sunderland at the time was the largest shipbuilding port in the world, full of noxious factory fumes and clanging steam hammers. As a spiritual well of revival, Sunderland was visited thirty times by John Wesley. Alexander Boddy was … [Read more...] about Alexander & Mary Boddy, British Healing Pioneers
William Seymour: Father of the Azusa Street Revival
Who might have imagined almost 120 years ago in 1906 that a one-eyed black preacher in Los Angeles would eventually impact over 800 million people around the globe? William Joseph Seymour (May 2, 1870 – September 28, 1922) was the second of eight children born to recently freed slaves Simon and Phyllis Seymour in Centerville, Louisiana. His father contracted a fatal … [Read more...] about William Seymour: Father of the Azusa Street Revival
John Knox: Father of Presbyterianism
John Knox, an unlikely Scottish Reformer, is the most influential Scotsman in Scottish history. Born around 1515, he went to the University of St. Andrew’s before working as a notary priest who drew up and certified contracts. It was a wild and wooly time in the beginning of the Scottish Reformation. John Knox said that it was merchants and mariners who … [Read more...] about John Knox: Father of Presbyterianism
Carson Pue: Characteristics of a good leader
Dr. Carson Pue has been investing in Greater Vancouver leaders and many others for 33 years now. He was inspired by Billy Graham’s brother-in-law, Leighton Ford, to commit his life to making a difference in the lives of leaders. The result has been seen through Arrow Leadership, and how it has refined the mission and ministry of over 1,200 leaders. Pue notes: “Leadership … [Read more...] about Carson Pue: Characteristics of a good leader