The Christian Legal Fellowship (CLF), whose membership consists of “700 lawyers, law students, law professors and others” in 30 denominations and 11 provinces and territories, believes that Bill C-6 (the anti-conversion therapy law) undermines the state’s duty of neutrality and the “fundamental freedoms of thought, belief, and opinion by establishing a sectarian, … [Read more...] about Questioning Canada’s state neutrality around Bill C-6
Deliberations over Bill C-6
January 25 may mark the final days of uncertainty for parents and pastors over Bill C-6. The Justice Committee has finished its review and forwarded the conversion therapy bill, with recommended changes, back to the House of Commons. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada encourages citizens to contact MPs over the break. David Cooke, of the Campaign Life Coalition, … [Read more...] about Deliberations over Bill C-6
COVID – Christ Orchestrates Very Interesting Developments
Very few miss Mark Buhler on the streets of Southeast Vancouver. Standing 6’6,” and crowned by a tilly hat, his smile is disarming. He ducks in and out of shops and restaurants, reconfirming friendships with Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and acquaintances from BC Housing nearby. Buhler works as a Fellowship missionary to Vancouver with a base at Faith Fellowship Baptist Church. He … [Read more...] about COVID – Christ Orchestrates Very Interesting Developments
Cancel culture in a changing world
“I think cancel culture is one of the biggest issues we have in our society,” Emmanuel Acho opined to guest Chelsea Handler on his popular video blog Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man. Acho is a black former NFL player who played linebacker with the Cleveland Browns and Philadelphia Eagles and a current analyst with Fox Sports. “I hate cancel culture because cancel … [Read more...] about Cancel culture in a changing world
Woke arises as new threat
While the Covid virus threatens the ‘normal’ lifestyle we once knew and accepted, another insidious threat has slithered into the psyche of many influencers in our western thinking and belief systems. Sheldon Wood, an Ontario lawyer focusing on church and charity law, says “The new ‘woke’ religion, which has arisen from critical theory, is a new threat seeking to shut down all … [Read more...] about Woke arises as new threat