Upon graduation, Daniel Ratz had every intention of going to Film school. He had been accepted at the Compass College of Film and Media and his plan was to start in September. But that summer he learned that God had far better plans, he would be with Operation Worth working with kids in Mexico.
Before school started, Daniel wanted to go on a Missions trip with his youth group. “I thought that it would be a lot of fun,” he says. But his answer to an interview question really surprised him. “When the Youth Pastor asked me why I wanted to go, I said that I wanted to hear God speak to me and I thought, where did that come from?”
The youth group went to Dallas where they performed various ministry projects including helping out at various Senior’s Homes and working with the homeless. In addition, they conducted Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) for the local children, and it was there that Daniel found his calling. While Daniel enjoyed the adult ministry, it was working with the kids where he found the most joy. “I knew then that God had made me for kid’s ministry,” he says. “It’s truly where I was most at peace and full of joy,” he adds.
So, when September rolled around, instead of going to film school Daniel started a nine moth Internship at the Dallas Metro Dream Centre. “At the Centre, I did 100 percent children’s ministry and apart from that, I did manual labor like loading and cleaning our ministry trucks and getting the activities ready every day. But everything I did had to do with the kids,” he says.
In 2012, God spoke to him again and told him that he was needed in Mexico. There he would minister to the children of the working poor. “Tijuana is where God has told me to reach out to. The kids and teens there are desperately in need. It’s undeniable,” he elaborates.
In 2017 Daniel established Operation Worth. Operation Worth is a Kid’s Ministry that works with at-risk kids and teens. “Tijuana is one of the more economical states of Mexico, so many families are there for the better pay,” he says. “Too many parents are worried so much about money that they work many hours instead of being with their kids. These kids are usually left with a grandparent or home alone, roaming the streets, getting involved with whatever gang or drug they can find. Often the oldest sibling is forced to take care of the younger ones,” he says.
Not all, but many of the children who come to Operation Worth have experienced abuse and neglect. Research has shown that the effects of neglect can result in feelings of worthlessness and despair. Through the programs offered by Operation Worth the kids and teens are taught that in the eyes of God, they are not worthless but have great value. “We want every kid and teen to truly see who God is, what He did for them, and what He can do for them today. We want them to truly learn who they are in Jesus,” he explains enthusiastically.
Programs at Operation Worth range from a team working on a garbage dump to a kid’s discipleship program with lots more in between. A Saturday kid’s club brings children together to learn about the love of God and what they mean to Him. As well, there are regular summer camps to give the kids a break from the city. For kids aged 8 to 13 Los Extremos or The Extremes is Operation Worth’s Youth Soccer team. “This team not only gives the kids a good environment to play in, it helps them grow in all areas of their lives. The kids are challenged to play as a team and build each other up,” he says.
For many children the Tecate garbage dump is the only place for them to live. So, every other month, Daniel and his team go there to visit and play with the children. “We sing praise songs and do everything we can to bring the love of Christ to this place where everything, including the children are expendable,” he explains.
Operation Worth also started their own children’s praise team called Niños Locos Para Cristo, or Kids Crazy for Christ. “Through Niños Locos Para Cristo, we get the chance to show the kids a fun and awesome way to worship God. They also get the chance to lead other kids in praise and worship!” He says enthusiastically.
Operation Worth operates on a shoestring and there is constantly a need for supplies and monthly funding. “It doesn’t matter how big or small the help is, help is help, and we are more than grateful to receive any type of support,” Daniel explains. In addition, churches are invited to help us by coming down to do hands-on ministry,” he adds.
Throughout his life, Daniel had struggled with depression and low self-esteem, but God changed his life through the lives of children in need. “The joy I receive by teaching kids is something I have never experienced before. I have found true peace and joy in my life,” he says with a huge smile.
To find out more about Operation Worth or to help, visit www.operationworth.com or follow them on Facebook.
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