God’s mandate for his people wasn’t an option to be considered. It was a choice to be lived out. “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter…?” Isaiah 58:6-7a Gabriela … [Read more...] about Providing the wanderer with shelter
British Columbia: Extending a 20-year legacy with New Hope in Motion
Christina Liu just passed her fifth month as executive director of New Hope Community Services. She’s tasked with expanding doors for refugees, navigating insurance claims from a fire last year, and providing new energy and incentives for stakeholders moving forward. “Christina brings a wealth of experience from the organizations she has worked for in the past, both in donor … [Read more...] about British Columbia: Extending a 20-year legacy with New Hope in Motion
Afghan refugees remembered still
“I feel safe now!” 25-year-old Hanifa says. “22 years ago, the Taliban took my father from our Afghan village because he was Hazara and a resister. We never saw him again.” She glances at the news flash of Ukraine as she sits on her uncle’s carpet in Richmond, British Columbia. “August 15, 2021, the Taliban took Kabul and the trauma was back. This time, I was the target – along … [Read more...] about Afghan refugees remembered still
World Refugee Day – Focusing our minds on the world at our doorstep
In light of systemic racism, social unrest, and the desperate needs of refugees piercing our aura of peace and prosperity, how do we respond so that God’s kingdom comes, and His will gets done on earth as it is in heaven? How do we move forward to establish that taste of heaven where people from every tribe and tongue and nation celebrate the unity in diversity marking the … [Read more...] about World Refugee Day – Focusing our minds on the world at our doorstep
A father’s story: the last leg of their journey from Thailand to Canada
As the plane ascended into the night sky, Saylermoo relaxed into the back of his seat. Finally, he and his family were on the last leg of their journey from Thailand to Canada. His musing was cut short by one of his 12 children asking to be taken to the bathroom. It would be one of many such requests during the long flight. Saylermoo is one of three children raised in a … [Read more...] about A father’s story: the last leg of their journey from Thailand to Canada